Thursday, January 27, 2011

To The Old

To continue with uploading some of the old, here are a few old animations that I did for "Rise of Chaos". *The last GIF uploaded weird so click on it for better quality.

Also here is a small sprite sheet for Kaida, mind you that these aren't all the animations for her in the game, just some of my favorites & the necessities. I'll probably will upload a few more animations...depends on whether I get the game up here soon.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Logos Logos LOGOS!

When you go back to something old I always figure you should bring something new with you...and I think the same thing applies with uploading. So here are logos from our last game & a new one I did for my friend's site.

Go Check out his site if you get the chance:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Some Quick Sketches

So the other night I saw this picture of X-23 and started sketching...well that doesn't have too much to do with this but I ended up not drawing her and instead drew a quick 10 min sketch of Kaida. It came out good...even though some of the anatomy is weird even for a cartoon. But since I liked it I decided to do two more tonight & decided to make a quick logo out of here you go!

Also I'm going to be uploading a whole bunch of old stuff soon...yep.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

So Let's Start Here

Okay so welcome all. I don't really know what to I'll give you guys a little bio and some art from the game I finished working on with a group of friends this last November.

I'm Thomas, an artist and a game designer. Artistically wise I tend to draw more in a cartoon style, but I'm slowly attempting to break free form that. Recently I just graduated with my AS degree and I'm going to be using this blog as a sort of online portfolio until I find something I want to use instead. But besides art pieces I'll also be uploading some writing samples...hopefully. To start here are two character concept sketches I did for the game "Rise Of Chaos" of the main character Kaida.

I'm working on some other pieces right now, but I'm still planning on going back to these and updating them with color and some other things. Oh and about the game, if I can I'll upload it here...if not I'll post a link hopefully all in the near future.